Tokyo Cigar

  • What makes Tokyo Cigar standout as a musician is his distinct vocal styling and delivery, paired with his affinity for low fidelity resampling. Some could consider what he does with the SP-202 a version of granular synthesis. Technicalities aside, Tokyo Cigar’s music is the culmination of his life experiences— growing up spending time across the globe in Africa, Ireland, Maryland, and now Colorado. It makes for a catalog marked with experimentation, with notable collaborations with Anticon heavyweight producer Odd Nosdam, and producing for Hell Razah of Sunz of Man. A multidisciplinary talent, he joined forces with Automatic Records in 2022 for the release of his self-directed film GRIM and the accompanying soundtrack. In 2023, he plans to release the self-produced rap album Maryland via Automatic Records.


Tecah One & Adriatic